What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

Recently, we’ve noticed a new and growing trend in the industry. The treatment may surprise you! What is it? Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD).

You might be thinking: Is that similar to a Swedish massage? Read on to find out why it isn’t and why it has become one of the fastest growing new treatments at Your Body Needs.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage: What is it?

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is not your average massage. In fact, just to be clear, it is not a massage. Massage involves pressure and kneading of muscle tissue, followed by enfleurage movements, all of which are absent from a manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) treatment.

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is slow, rhythmic movements which help to move along toxins in your body, back into the circulation, and eliminate them through appropriate organs. If the lymphatic system is blocked, through illness, infection, injury, or surgery, swelling and inflammation start to appear in your body – unless a helping hand intervenes.

This is one of the reasons why manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is becoming so popular after elective surgeries such as tummy tucks or liposuction. Your body reacts to the surgery and needs help in getting lymph moving again throughout your body. Many cosmetic surgeons are now recommending manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) as part of your post-surgery healing plan.

Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage

The benefits of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) are many.  Here’s what this amazing treatment can do for you:

  • Improves skin health (puffy eyes anyone?)
  • Strengthens immune system health (better systemic flow, less congestion)
  • Improves all over wellness
  • Decreases stress levels
  • Reduces swelling (due to improved circulation of lymph)
  • Decreases toxins and waste in your body as it is eliminated from your tissues with the movements performed in this treatment.

Even though MLD is recommended post-surgery, there is a growing awareness that it improves overall general well-being.  You might be asking, why? Our clients have called their experiences “transformative,” and most find it extremely comforting and relaxing. The very slow movements used in this treatment relax the nervous system and almost put you into a “meditative” state.

At Your Body Needs, to elevate your experience further, we use essential oils, such as frankincense (Boswellia carteri), in your treatment. Frankincense essential oil can bring your body into a highly relaxed state of being. It’s like you are almost floating on air!

What to Do Next

If you are thinking about an elective surgery, post-surgery, or simply feeling sluggish physically or mentally book a manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) treatment with us and get back on track the right way!


Shirley Rehne Burge:

Great article.

Oct 07, 2022

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