Posts tagged: sandalwood oil

Aromatherapy for Men's Skincare

Aromatherapy for Men's Skincare
Does a man’s skincare routine differ to that of a woman? There are some subtle differences to be aware of in skin gender because of differing factors in body and skin makeup. In this blog we'll look at aromatherapy for men's skincare and which essential oils you can use in a skincare routine for men.

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Essential Oils for Wrinkles

Essential Oils for Wrinkles
Wrinkles are a natural part of getting older. But that doesn’t mean you have to live with them! There are some natural solutions to help you smooth out some of those well-worn lines and edges – and you can smell wonderful in the process! Let’s take a look at some of the best essential oils for wrinkles in this blog.

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Benefits of Sandalwood Essential Oil

Benefits of Sandalwood Essential Oil
Imagine walking down the ancient back streets of a chaotic city in India where feet have tripped stone steps for centuries, and aromas have perpetuated the spiritual practices of people through tradition and purpose. There is one aroma which stands out to you above all others. This is sandalwood essential oil...

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